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Rennes railway station: removal of demolition rubble


Conveyance of materials from platform demolition prior to station reconstruction. Desired throughput 50 To/h and grain size: 0/150 mm.

Problem :

Evacuation of demolition rubble from the platform access tunnel and stockpiling outdoors at a height of 9 m. Conveyors placed in the tunnel under the tracks had to be mobile to maintain access to the docks. Regulated and limited worksite duration.

Hydroelectric plant: 150,000m3 of spoil transported over 200 metres

Request :

Transport of earthmoving materials to the La Bathie hydroelectric plant (73). The volume to be handled is 150,000m3, with a desired flow rate of 250 m3/h (7,000 m3/week).

Problem :

The handling system passes under a railroad line and over the access road to the hydroelectric plant; the stacking conveyor is located under a high-voltage line. The entire handling line must be covered. Variable and potentially large granulometry (0/500 mm).

Evacuation of materials by barge on a lake in Switzerland


Evacuation of earthmoving materials by barge. The volumes to be handled were 70,000m3 and the desired flow rate 80m3/h.

Problem :

Handling of excavated material from the banks of a lake to fill barges. Securing a public passageway under the Belt Conveyor. Significant overhang due to installation of the loading facility on the bank. Passage of site machinery for loading directly into barges. Large particle size (0/350 mm) and clogging product.