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Belt Conveyors for the biomass industry

Convoyeur orientable de mise en tas

Tecnitude conveyors for the reconstruction of a biomass power plant.

Application and specifications

Requirements: We responded to a private call for tenders.

Following a fire that destroyed part of a biomass energy production plant, the customer needed a Belt Conveyor line within a very short timeframe, so as to be able to continue operating during the reconstruction period of its damaged buildings.
The aim is to be able to handle shredded wood over a distance of 70 meters, and to pile it automatically on a storage area.
The system had to be mobile, with a modular design, so that it could be quickly set up in a number of well-defined locations.

The required heap height is 8 meters and the product density is 0.35
Desired throughput: 320 m3/h (112 to/h) on average and 515 m3/h (180 to/h) at peak.

The Tecnitude Belt solution

Implementation of 2 Manukit Belt Conveyors: E.A 22 m x 1000 mm for product recovery from the supply chute and handling up to a handling chain comprising several Manukit E.A 25 m x 1000 steerable stacking Belt Conveyors.

  • The stacking conveyor is equipped with position sensors for automatic rotation, and an ultrasonic probe to detect the height of the stack during storage.
  • The entire system is managed by a PLC and an electrical cabinet.
  • For reasons of rigidity and movement constraints, the height of the Belt Conveyor structure for this installation was chosen to be 650 mm.
  • Storing conveyor pier height: 9 m
  • Manufacturing and installation time: 4 weeks
  • Location: France

What is biomass?

Biomass is a term used to define all materials derived from plants and animals, which are bulk products such as wood, plants, waste, manure...

The biomass industry is booming in France, with production rising steadily. Belonging to renewable energies such as hydroelectric power, geothermal energy and aerothermal energy, biomass is one of France's leading sources of renewable energy.

With its Belt Conveyors, Tecnitude supports the development of this industry, which represents an attractive alternative to various fossil fuels.

Conveyor belts and handling lines: solutions tailored to the biomass industry 
Biomass is mainly associated with the wood industry, and is widely used as a source of heating in France. As an industry, transferring the materials needed to feed boilers and district heating plants, or cogeneration plants, requires heavy, repetitive handling operations. To guarantee productivity gains in terms of time and resources, but also to eliminate possible load breaks and reduce various costs, the use of Belt Conveyors is very useful.

Tecnitude Belt Conveyors are designed and adapted to the application and transport of all types of materials. Logs, forestry chips, bark, reclaimed wood, but also household waste, paper mill residues... can be transported on our various conveyors.

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