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Frequently asked questions

What does Tecnitude do for the environment?

Tecnitude seeks to support a number of actions in favor of the environment and sustainable development. Within our establishment, eco-citizenship has become a veritable corporate culture: our sales departments (with no itinerants, since the web has become our medium and our shop window) generate zero kilograms of CO2. We heat our premises with wood, we feed a compost, we recycle and sort our waste and we use ecological cleaning products.

Tecnitude, eco-responsible

We also sponsor a beehive through "Un toit pour les abeilles", a way of raising public awareness of the need to protect bees, not only for the honey they produce, but also for their essential role in pollination and biodiversity. We also had our Carbon Footprint carried out.

To find out more, click here:

  • Carbon footprint
  • Sustainable development
  • RSE - ISO 26000

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